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【輸入盤CD】Buxtehude/Concert Brise/Dongois / Cantatas & Sonatas



【中古】 Tavener:Trisagion Maynard:Fanf OnyxBrass / / [CD]【メール便送料無料】【あす楽対応】
¥ 3,287 -

【中古】 Henderson / N.y Pops Christmas In The Country 【CD】
¥ 330 -

【中古】 Opera Arias Anton?nDvor?k 作曲 ,BedrichSmetana 作曲 ,CarlMariavonWeber 作曲 ,GiacomoPuccini 作曲 ,GiuseppeVerdi 作曲 , / Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, Lucia Popp / Arts Music [CD]【宅配便出荷】
¥ 510 -

CD / 菊地裕介 / ベートーヴェン:3大ソナタ(悲愴)(月光)(熱情) (Blu-specCD2) / AVCL-84072
¥ 2,200 -

CD / サンソン・フランソワ / ショパン:夜想曲集(19曲) (ハイブリッドCD) / WPGS-50147
¥ 4,244 -


発売日: 2011/12/13輸入盤レーベル: Accent Records収録曲: 1.1 Quaemadmodum Desiderat Cervus, for Tenor, 2 Violins ; Continuo, Buxwv 921.2 Sonata for Violin, Viola Da Gamba ; Harpsichord in G minor, Op. 2/3, Buxwv 2611.3 O Gottes Stadt, for Soprano, 2 Violins, Viola, Violone ; Continuo, Buxwv 871.4 Sonata for 2 Violins, Viola Da Gamba ; Continuo in F Major, Buxwv 2691.5 O Clemens, O Mitis, for Soprano, 4 Strings ; Continuo, Buxwv 821.6 Fried- Und Freudenreiche Hinfahrt, Cantata in 2 Sections for SB Voices, Instruments ; Continuo, Buxwv 76: Klag-Lied 'Mus Der Tod Denn1.7 Sonata for 2 Violins, Viola Da Gamba ; Continuo in G Major, Buxwv 2711.8 Lauda Anima Mea Dominum, for Soprano, 2 Violins, Violone ; Continuo, Buxwv 671.9 Quaemadmodum Desiderat Cervus, for Tenor, 2 Violins ; Continuo, Buxwv 92コメント:The work of Dieterich Buxtehude (ca. 1637-1707), which appeared surprisingly not printed during his lifetime, with few exceptions, has survived only thanks to some manuscripts. This doubtless explains why it was totally unknown for a long time and Buxtehude was only gradually, initially rediscovered as an organ composer. Much of his vocal compositions is preserved on-in the Duben Collection in Uppsala University Library. Buxtehude enjoyed his time greatest appreciation and had numerous students. The prestigious position of organist at the Lubeck Marienkirche, he held, just-just as the responsibility he bore for many musical activities in this city, gave him the opportunity to contact the most important musicians of his time. His music is the grand finale of that musical fireworks, which is commonly referred to as "Stylus phantasticus", and just as much to write to the kind of music, as well as the manner in which they perform, refers. The zinc-virtuoso William Dongois and his ensemble "Le Concert Brise" have selected here some outstanding examples of vocal and instrumental music of the composer.The work of Dieterich Buxtehude (ca. 1637-1707), which appeared surprisingly not printed during his lifetime, with few exceptions, has survived only thanks to some manuscripts. This doubtless explains why it was totally unknown for a long time and Buxtehude was only gradually, initially rediscovered as an organ composer. Much of his vocal compositions is preserved on-in the Duben Collection in Uppsala University Library. Buxtehude enjoyed his time greatest appreciation and had numerous students. The prestigious position of organist at the Lubeck Marienkirche, he held, just-just as the responsibility he bore for many musical activities in this city, gave him the opportunity to contact the most important musicians of his time. His music is the grand finale of that musical fireworks, which is commonly referred to as "Stylus phantasticus", and just as much to write to the kind of music, as well as the manner in which they perform, refers. The zinc-virtuoso William Dongois and his ensemble "Le Concert Brise" have selected here some outstanding examples of vocal and instrumental music of the composer.


¥ 3,290-(税込)

【輸入盤CD】Buxtehude/Concert Brise/Dongois / Cantatas & Sonatas 1

#ショップ名 : あめりかん・ぱい

#送料 : 送料別

#クレジットカード : 利用可

#海外配送 : 海外配送可能

#海外配送対象地域 : ワールドワイド

#あす楽 : 翌日配送不可

#ギフト : ギフト包装不可能



【輸入盤CD】Buxtehude/Concert Brise/Dongois / Cantatas & Sonatas
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【中古】 ウィーン・リサイタル/アルカディ・ヴォロドス(p)
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【輸入盤CD】Buxtehude/Concert Brise/Dongois / Cantatas & Sonatas


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