
新米パパの子育て用品 > DVD > ジャズ・ブルース

【輸入盤DVD】【1】PAT METHENY / WE LIVE HERE(パット・メセニー)




種別:DIGITAL VIDEO DISCジャンル:Jazz Music Video (Concert/Performance)発売日:2013/3/12出演者:Armando Marcal, David Blamires, Lyle Mays, Mark Ledford, Pat Metheny, Steve Rodbyアーティスト:Pat Metheny監督:Pat Metheny収録曲目:1.1 Have You Heard1.2 And Then I Knew1.3 Here to Stay1.4 First Circle1.5 Scrap Metal1.6 Farmer's Trust1.7 Episode D'azur1.8 Third Wind1.9 This Is Not America1.10 Antonia1.11 To the End of the World1.12 Minuano (Six-Eight)1.13 Stranger in Townディスク枚数:1コメント:Some six years after their previous studio album, the Pat Metheny Group regrouped in 1995 to release the album We Live Here. This was to be the first of a set of three albums that the band refer to as the triptych, the others being Quartet (1996) and Imaginary Day (1997). Following the release of the album, the Pat Metheny Group embarked on a world tour during which this concert was filmed in Japan. Many of the tracks from the We Live Here album are included along with others from their various '80s albums. There are short interview segments with the band members inserted between some of the songs which give an insight into the creation of the album and life on the tour.Some six years after their previous studio album, the Pat Metheny Group regrouped in 1995 to release the album We Live Here. This was to be the first of a set of three albums that the band refer to as the triptych, the others being Quartet (1996) and Imaginary Day (1997). Following the release of the album, the Pat Metheny Group embarked on a world tour during which this concert was filmed in Japan. Many of the tracks from the We Live Here album are included along with others from their various '80s albums. There are short interview segments with the band members inserted between some of the songs which give an insight into the creation of the album and life on the tour.


¥ 2,790-(税込)

【輸入盤DVD】【1】PAT METHENY / WE LIVE HERE(パット・メセニー) 1

#ショップ名 : あめりかん・ぱい

#送料 : 送料別

#クレジットカード : 利用可

#海外配送 : 海外配送可能

#海外配送対象地域 : ワールドワイド

#あす楽 : 翌日配送不可

#ギフト : ギフト包装不可能



【輸入盤DVD】【1】PAT METHENY / WE LIVE HERE(パット・メセニー)
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【輸入盤DVD】【1】PAT METHENY / WE LIVE HERE(パット・メセニー)
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【輸入盤DVD】【1】PAT METHENY / WE LIVE HERE(パット・メセニー)


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