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SWモテック Legend Gear(レジェンドギア)サイドバッグ LH225、5 l. 600D ポリエステル/レザーレット SLH 左側|BC.HTA.00.682 sw_BC_HTA_00_682_10000 SW-MOTECH ツーリング用バッ…



SWモテック SW-MOTECH ツーリング用バッグ ツーリング用品 バイク

●メーカー名:SWモテック / SW-MOTECH(エスダブリューモテック)
●商品名:Legend Gear(レジェンドギア)サイドバッグ LH225、5 l. 600D ポリエステル/レザーレット SLH 左側|BC.HTA.00.682

●備考品番:BC.HTA.00.682.10000EAN:4052572055601Legend Gear side bag Harley-Davidson,leftNot for the faint of heart:The side bag developed exclusively for new Harley-Davidson models combines the low weight of a saddlebag with the high form stability of a carrier.Classic Legend Gear look is combined with high-tech materials and a modern fastening system.This allows the bag to be mounted onto the fender strut with a turn of the hand via an integrated lock mechanism.For rides without luggage,only inconspicuous attachment points remain on the Harley.Matching the Harley design,the spacious side bag is completely black and emphasizes the expressiveness of your Harley-Davidson through the combination of textile fabric and grained artificial leather with intricate diamond topstitching.The Legend Gear side bag Harley-Davidson is just the right thing for those who want uncompromising driving pleasure,even when cruising with luggage.The saddlebag has an integrated carrying handle for an extra dose of comfort.The somewhat larger bag for the left side also has a M.O.L.L.E.system for attaching accessory bags.Thieves and rain dont stand a chance:The integrated anti-theft protection,lockable lid and the waterproof inner bag included in delivery protect your luggage.No vibrating,no fluttering:The lid and the back panel made from dimensionally stable and still lightweight ABS plastic as well as PE-reinforced sides ensure that the bag holds its shape even at higher speeds.The support element mounted on the back panel gives the side bag additional stability and guarantees a reliable fit on the mounting points on the fender strut.In addition,an inconspicuous spacer can be mounted on the swing arm at the height of the bottom edge of the bag.The bike-specific bag carrier is easily and quickly mounted on original expansion points on the fender strut and is available separately.It can also be used in combination with original Harley-Davidson accessories such as the sissy bar or rack.Side bag exclusively developed for Harley-Davidson in the Legend Gear lookSpacious storage:24 l volumeSecure and quick mount on the fender strut,left sideThe bike-specific bag carrier is mounted on original expansion points on the fender strut and is available separately.Integrated anti-theft protection on the inside of the bag is activated with a quarter turn,additional anti-theft protection from lockable bag lidConvenient carrying handleM.O.L.L.E.system on both sides for attaching accessory bagsExcellent form stability due to back panel and lid made from ABS plastic as well as PE-reinforced sidesOptimized design of the back panel gives an extra dose of stability and follows the tail shape of the Harley-DavidsonAttractive look:Combination of black textile fabric made from 600D polyester and black artificial leather with intricate diamond topstitching,elements made of ABS plastic with textile laminateRobust and easy to clean:Made from weather- and UV-resistant 600D polyester and grained artificial leather Waterproof inner bag included in deliveryUse of the passenger footrest is not restricted.Use with Harley-Davidson original accessories(sissy bar,rack)possibleSide bags for right and left sides of motorcycle available,can be used individually or togetherMaterial:Polyester/Artificial leatherColor:BlackWeight:1.2 kgSize:46 x 25 x 40 cmVolume:24 lManufacturer:SW-MOTECHNoteThe bike-specific bag carrier is available separately.Complete systems are also available and include two Legend Gear side bags Harley-Davidson and the bike-specific bag carrier.Included in delivery1 Legend Gear side bag Harley-Davidson,left1 carrier element2 keysMounting materialMounting instructions



¥ 59,588-(税込)

SWモテック Legend Gear(レジェンドギア)サイドバッグ LH225、5 l. 600D ポリエステル/レザーレット SLH 左側|BC.HTA.00.682 sw_BC_HTA_00_682_10000 SW-MOTECH ツーリング用バッ… 1

#ショップ名 : パークアップ 楽天市場店

#送料 : 送料別

#クレジットカード : 利用可

#海外配送 : 海外配送不可

#あす楽 : 翌日配送不可

#ギフト : ギフト包装不可能



SWモテック Legend Gear(レジェンドギア)サイドバッグ LH225、5 l. 600D ポリエステル/レザーレット SLH 左側|BC.HTA.00.682 sw_BC_HTA_00_682_10000 SW-MOTECH ツーリング用バッ…


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