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The Startup Game Inside the Partnership between Venture Capitalists and Entrepreneurs【電子書籍】[ William H. Draper III ]



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<p><strong><em>The Startup Game</em> is the first up-close look at how the relationship between venture capitalists and entrepreneurs is critical to enhancing the success of any economy.</strong></p> <p>Entrepreneurs drive the future, and the last several decades have been a thrilling ride of astounding, far-reaching innovation. Behind this transformative progress are also the venture capitalists - who are at once the investors, coaches and allies of the entrepreneurs. William H. Draper III knows this story first-hand, because as a venture capitalist, he helped write it. For more than 40 years, Bill Draper has worked with top entrepreneurs in fabled Silicon Valley, where today's vision is made into tomorrow's reality.</p> <p>From a venture capitalist who saw the potential of Skype, Apollo Computer, Hotmail, OpenTable, and many other companies, come firsthand stories of success. In these pages, Draper explores how to evaluate innovative ideas and the entrepreneurs behind those ideas, and he shares lessons from Yahoo, Zappos, Baidu, Tesla Motors, Activision, Measurex, and more. Also, in revealing his on-the-ground account of how Deng Xiaoping brought China roaring into the modern world and how Manmohan Singh unlocked the creative genius of Indian entrepreneurs, Draper stresses the essential value of farsighted political leadership in creating opportunity.</p> <p>The author also discusses his efforts to bring best practices of the venture capitalist/entrepreneur partnership to the social sector.</p> <p>Written in an engaging narrative, and incorporating many of the author's personal experiences, this book provides a much-needed look at how the world of venture capital and entrepreneurship works.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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¥ 1,089-(税込)

The Startup Game Inside the Partnership between Venture Capitalists and Entrepreneurs【電子書籍】[ William H. Draper III ] 1

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The Startup Game Inside the Partnership between Venture Capitalists and Entrepreneurs【電子書籍】[ William H. Draper III ]


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