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Enterprise Architecture Planning A Complete Guide - 2021 Edition【電子書籍】[ Gerardus Blokdyk ]




<p><strong>This Enterprise Architecture Planning Guide is DIFFERENT from books you're used to. If you're looking for a textbook, this is not for you. This book and its included digital components is for you who understands the importance of asking great questions. This gives you the questions to uncover the Enterprise Architecture Planning challenges you're facing and generate better solutions to solve those problems.</strong></p> <p>Ask questions like: * What are other reasons for adopting and implementing enterprise architecture? * How can business architecture help you with audit planning? * What is Enterprise Architecture Planning risk? * How do geospatial data investments fit into your organizations Enterprise Architecture and Strategic Plan? * Does management have the right priorities among projects? * What could be suitable solutions to help employers and employees in that sector? * What should Enterprise Architecture deliver for strategic decision making by means of visual representation? * What interface standards are needed? * Why invest in the next generation data center? * Does the project/portfolio management methodology verify that project risks are identified?</p> <p>Defining, designing, creating, and implementing a process to solve a challenge or meet an objective is the most valuable role… In EVERY group, company, organization and department.</p> <p>Unless you're talking a one-time, single-use project, there should be a process. That process needs to be designed by someone with a complex enough perspective to ask the right questions. Someone capable of asking the right questions and step back and say, 'What are we really trying to accomplish here? And is there a different way to look at it?'</p> <p>This Self-Assessment empowers people to do just that - whether their title is entrepreneur, manager, consultant, (Vice-)President, CxO etc... - they are the people who rule the future. They are the person who asks the right questions to make Enterprise Architecture Planning investments work better.</p> <p>This Enterprise Architecture Planning All-Inclusive Self-Assessment enables You to be that person.</p> <p>INCLUDES all the tools you need to an in-depth Enterprise Architecture Planning Self-Assessment. Featuring new and updated case-based questions, organized into seven core levels of Enterprise Architecture Planning maturity, this Self-Assessment will help you identify areas in which Enterprise Architecture Planning improvements can be made.</p> <p>In using the questions you will be better able to:</p> <p>- diagnose Enterprise Architecture Planning projects, initiatives, organizations, businesses and processes using accepted diagnostic standards and practices</p> <p>- implement evidence-based best practice strategies aligned with overall goals</p> <p>- integrate recent advances in Enterprise Architecture Planning and process design strategies into practice according to best practice guidelines</p> <p>Using the Self-Assessment tool gives you the Enterprise Architecture Planning Scorecard, enabling you to develop a clear picture of which Enterprise Architecture Planning areas need attention.</p> <p>Your purchase includes access to the Enterprise Architecture Planning self-assessment digital components which gives you your dynamically prioritized projects-ready tool that enables you to define, show and lead your organization exactly with what's important.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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Enterprise Architecture Planning A Complete Guide - 2021 Edition【電子書籍】[ Gerardus Blokdyk ] 1

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